How to Draw Black Star Soul Eater

Among the trio of protagonists in Soul Eater, Black Star is one of the most interesting. He started as an immensely flawed character who thought too highly of himself and developed into a well-rounded individual who would do anything to help his friends. He always had a clear and defined arc, having to overcome a multitude of obstacles.

For a character as interesting as he was, it's no surprise that there's a few things that snuck under the radar to fans. It is especially true for fans who only watched the anime.

10 He Is Influenced By Atsushi Okunbo's Narcissistic Side

It isn't that out of the ordinary for a writer to pull from sections of their own personalities when crafting a character, such as what Soul Eater author Atsushi Okunbo did with Black Star. It helps make it easier to get into the role of the character and lets them explore parts of themselves as well.

The key is always to avoid making the character a self-insert, or what is essentially the author putting themselves into the story. Thankfully, that isn't what happened with Black Star, as the character provides a needed boisterous nature to the story.

9 His Partnership With Tsubaki Was Meant To Show Off Gender Equality

A sense of gender equality is littered throughout the series, each of the meisters paired was a weapon of the opposite gender. It provided a great dynamic that helped make Soul Eater one of the more progressive titles of its time, as few shonen have a female lead.

Black Star and Tsubaki are the most notable and well-crafted pairing among the trio. Tsubaki was always the level-headed and mature one as Black Star constantly sought the spotlight despite being an assassin.

8 He Is Stronger Than Death The Kid

Considering what Death The Kid becomes by the end of the series— a literal death god— it's hard to believe that Black Star could match him, but he does more than just that.

Asura commented on it during the manga, stating that Black Star was truly a human worthy of being a warrior god, and insinuated Death The Kid's god form was on par with Black Star.

7 He Has Powers That Surpass Human Capabilities

As mentioned, Black Star is a Warrior God, a title that isn't just given out freely— especially not from someone like Asura. Black Star is beyond the peak of what a human can do, possessing strength so strong that he could pierce Crona's Black Blood with his bare hands.

He was also so fast that he could trigger all of Arachnophobia's traps in a manner of seconds. Perhaps the biggest example is how he held his own against Eruka Frog, Crona, and two of the Mizune family.

6 He Can Control Madness Much Like Asura Could

The manga and anime diverge from each other rather heavily by the mid-point of the series. As a result, certain powerups for characters aren't seen on the show, and one of those is Black Star's control over madness.

He gained it due to an interaction with the Great Old One— alongside Kid— and while it differed some from Asura, it had the same foundation. It allows him to reach his full potential, drawing it out due to his desire to seek power for the sole purpose of having it.

5 The Book of Eibon Turns Him Into A Woman

For those who never read the manga, this is one of the many arcs/scenes that never show up in the anime after the latter went off to tell a story all its own. In the first chapter of the book, labeled Lust, all those that entered a certain area got turned into the opposite sex.

Black Star was among them, his body shifting into an attractive woman— which ended up causing Tsubaki to blush and leading to a few comical scenes between the pair. Once leaving the chapter, he thankfully reverted to his normal appearance.

4 He Was Taken In By Sid Barrett On The Same Day That Maka Was Born

It's a strange coincidence, but one that makes sense given how important each of them is to the plot. Maka and Black Star are both intricately connected as, without Maka, Black Star would never be able to maintain himself when he drew out his inner madness.

They form a partnership that helps ease some of the arrogance that had once been rampant in Black Star, just as Sid helped the boy overcome the stigma that came with being the sole remaining member of the star clan.

3 Both Black Star & His Father White Star Dressed The Same

White Star doesn't get mentioned much beyond the fact that he was an awful person who helped drag the Star Clan's name through the mud, forcing the Death Weapon Meister Academy to take action against them. However, his impact on his son is greater than that.

The way Black Star dresses is a spitting image to his father, right down to the scarf covering up his mouth. They even had the very same spikey hair, and the only difference was the color they chose for their clothes.

2 The Star Clan Had A Unique Glare In Their Eyes

All members of the star clan possessed a glare trait with their eyes, something inherently unique in a few other clans within the Soul Eater universe. When activated, the member's eyes would have a star shape fill their pupils, branding them as a member of the clan.

Given how ruthless they were before their purge, it made for a hell of a calling card and led to the initial stigma that Black Star had against him as being their sole surviving member.

1 Despite How Boisterous He Was, His Ego Was Fragile

As is often the case with characters who are loud and brash, their egos are some of the most fragile. For all of his bluster and talk of being the best, Black Star hates being seen as weak. When he first realized that many of his fights were won due to Tsubaki's influence, he set out to try to prove that wasn't the case, fighting with his own skills.

The results were expectantly poor, forcing Black Star to eventually stow his ego in the latter parts of the manga and show more willingness to work together with others.

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About The Author

Anthony Mazzuca (589 Articles Published)

Anthony Mazzuca is an avid gamer, anime watcher, and all-around nerd for nearly his entire life. Escaping the life of retail, he's able to express his passion to others through CBR. When not writing for CBR, he's toiling away on a novel or streaming on Twitch. He's also a wrestling fanatic, who can't wait for shows to be filled with fans again. You can connect with him on <a href=""

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How to Draw Black Star Soul Eater


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